What you need for your shiftings or your holidays.
Do nothing in haste, wrote Edward Whymper after his first ascent of the Matterhorn in 1868, look well to each step; and from the beginning think what may be the end.
We took Mr. Whymper’s words to heart as we designed this Knapsack: simple and well thought out — like the ones we see him wearing in old engravings from the Golden Age of Mountaineering. The generous top-flap buckles over the Knapsack's ample opening; cordlock and drawstring cinch out spindrift and alpine blasts. Comfortably wide cotton web shoulder straps plus a large grab loop complete the pared-down elegance of the Frost River Knapsack. A classic daypack, simple, functional, and effective.
The Knapsack's size works great for kids or adults, the shape works fine for folders and textbooks, there's room for a fleece jacket and a lunch. It's easy to pack and easy to wear, the size prevents you from packing too much but allows just enough.
Now you're ready to follow in Whymper's footsteps, or simply carry his book Scrambles Amongst the Alps down to the coffee shop.
Like all the other bags, it is made by hand at Frost River's from waxed canvas, premium leather and solid brass hardware and built to last.
Manufactured by craftmen.
Caractéristics :
Dimensions :
33 cm (H) X 32 cm (W) X 11,5 cm (D)
Volume : 12 L
Weight : 700 gr