GV - Modified bear pow snowshoes
  • GV - Modified bear pow snowshoes

GV - Modified bear pow snowshoes

Traditional wooden snowshoes.

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Product information


The Bear Paw model is the second most well-known snowshoe shape.

It originated among the Indian peoples of eastern Canada and from the Canadian Far North, particularly from the Innu people (Montagnais).

It is mostly used for hunting, trapping, and long-distance hikes in dense forests.

Its width and shortness provide efficient and silent movement in forest areas, and better flotation in deep snow.

It is also available in a longer version for more versatility in open areas (Modified Bear Paw).
Bois de frêne blanc et laçage synthétique.

Vernis de haute qualité évitant à la babiche de se dégrader.

Sold by 2.

Fixation vendue séparément.

User's weight :

- 73 cm X 25,5 cm : 45 - 68 kg
- 89,5 cm X 25 cm : 68 - 91 kg
- 102 cm X 28 cm : 91 + kg